Aug 31, 2016
forever-silk.com for dry skin
sorry... couldnt be helped. at www.forever-silk.com check out softening lotion and silk & honey mist loaded with essential oils and yes...
Apr 11, 2016
Black Wall Street
Let me introduce you to the most infamous of them all that was located in Tulsa Oklahoma that came to be known as “Black Wall Street”....
Mar 25, 2016
You too can have a healthy scalp
HEALTHY HAIR BEGINS WITH A HEALTHY SCALP - GET TO THE ROOY OF YOUR HAR PROBLEMS! hydrate the scalp by applying moistire... without all...

Mar 2, 2016
5 Superfoods for Awesome Hair, Skin & Nails
I'm sure you have heard that your hair, skin and nails can tell a lot about your state of health. One of the greatest things about...

Mar 1, 2016
10 Tips for Fine and Curly Natural Hair
Some assume that naturally curly hair is always course. Well SURPRISE - It's not! The hair could be very thick, but also very fine at...
Jan 10, 2016
Jul 26, 2014
Healthy hair, skin and nails evening cocktail prepared for the week #health #healthyhair
Recipe: 4 bags of carrots 3 beets 2 green peppers 5 cucumbers a full clove of fresh garlic (de-skinned) 8 apples 2 bunches celery...
Jul 23, 2014
Train up a child #calm #health
"Im ready to pull my hair out" we have all been there. Its important to remember that our general happiness directly effects our health...
Jul 22, 2014
Drink water, make up for your mistakes #healthyhair #health
Everyone knows that the body is made up of "70% water" however the brain is made up of 90% water and the skin (the largest organ in the...
Jul 15, 2014
Dry Hair Solution #dryhair #mixedhair
People often think curl pattern dictates what sort of products should be used on hair but that is inaccurate. Anyone with hair has...